Monday, 28 May 2012

Plague Beast Re-Design

This fella is a re-design of one of my demon concepts from earlier in the year. 
Concept is that he would be summoned into an enemy village and if not dealt with and disposed of quickly he would spread in-reversable infection among the villagers.

Big/Slow. Not physically hostile. The Plague Beast simply needs to walk into the target area and reside there for long enough for his noxious fumes to do the their deadly work.

Friday, 25 May 2012

Master Alchemist

So i took the mad scientist idea a bit further and came up with this design.

Master Alchemist.

I imagine him at the top of a very powerful order of mages/alchemists. I was originally going to have piping attached from the chemical tubes on his shoulders going into his back as if he were always chemically enhancing himself. But I think I'll save that idea for his minions... to be continued!!

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Mad Scientist / His Experiment

Nothing to crazy here, just playing with different ways of fleshing out a concept.

10 Value Backgrounds

Hey guys,

        So I'm trying to stay fresh by doing some different exercises. This one is working with composition and page depth by creating small thumbnail backgrounds using a range of ten values.

          Naturally in life as things get further from us, they tend to get lighter because were looking through more of the atmosphere. The idea with this exercise is every time you add a layer thats further into the page it is a lighter value. That combined with the overlapping of multiple layers creates the illusion of depth. 

Some work better than others, but overall I had a good time doing these!

Monday, 21 May 2012

Tree Listener

So here's another shaman type character, I definitely liked the line drawing more, but am trying to push myself to shade!

In this pose his supposed to be listening to the hum of the wild.

Monday, 14 May 2012

Forgotten Temple Thumbnails

So I've been trying a new way of thumb nailing using pen and value markers to try and create a little composition action!

These were lots a fun and challenging. My plan is to take a break with some character stuff, then come back in a few days with fresh eyes and turn one of these guys into a full background!

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Alien Parasite

Hey yall,

(I'm from the country now?) Anywho I decided to try and put a concept page together of an Alien Parasite Creature. This was a fun project as it really got me thinking about my design. I don't want to say to much about it because I want to see how well it speaks for itself. That being said if there is anything that confuses you PLEASE tell me. It would be a great help in making my designs more clear in the future!

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Plague Abomination

       Hey blog-land, so today I thought I would talk a little about my process when designing.

So the first thing I do is decide on my subject matter/idea. It's important to give your creation a function, because drawing something that just "looks cool" isn't strong design because it's not actually solving any problems.

1) Idea:       
                            Plague Abomination, I creature sent from hell filled with noxious gasses, it defeats it's foes by smashing them with it's disfigured body or poping like a ballon and infecting everyone in the immediate vicinity. 

Now hopefully you've had some time to visualize what your idea will look like so by the time you hit paper most of your design is already solved and you can just start the line drawing. If however your still unsure you can do something we call "thumb nailing" to get a stronger idea.

2) Thumbnails:

So you can see here that I'm trying to apply the same idea to a variety of forms. There is some recurring themes like: Tubes from the face, shrunken/inflated limbs, diseased backpack, etc... At this stage you want to draw smaller and put down lots of new ideas quickly, not worrying about fundamentals. I decided on the guy with the red star next to him.

3)  Line Drawing
At this point I starrt working with the whole page. I stuck pretty close to the thumbnail above, but personally I like to keep changing it just a bit along the way to keep it fresh and exciting for myself.

The Next step is rendering, which I am working on, but don't have much to show yet. Hopefully by the end of the month I'll have something I'm content with sharing.

Thanks for Reading!

Thursday, 3 May 2012